Archive for What Had Happened Was

I’m grossed out, and tired…

My friends rock…


I finally got to hang out with this crazy woman today. And she’s gonna make me get in shape. She’s gonna be fired.


I am 26 years old now and have have had arthritis for a long time now. And it has rained every day for the last week it seems. At night I can’t sleep and I can barely walk. This getting old stuff sucks.


I think I might move back to blogger. Because WordPress makes me nuts when I upload pictures, and with moving, and working, and a wedding coming up, I don’t have time to mess with it anymore. So, I’ll let you know if and when I go back! (At least there’s warning this time!)


Now that that’s over…


I just saw a commercial for some gold scrap for cash thing. Among the list of things that they will pay you for, is DENTAL SCRAP. Do people really have gold teeth and fillings laying around? Honestly? And they will mail this to some company and then they send you a check. Um. I’m really really really grossed out. I think I almost threw up.

So, just so I know, any of you have gold DENTAL SCRAP in your house? And if so, I’m not coming to dinner!

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The R-Word ~ Part I

*I feel a little weird writing this. But I’m going to say what’s on my mind, because I am brutally honest. Brutally brutally honest.*

I use the word retarded. A lot. That’s hard to admit. But for the sake of my argument here, I have to admit it.

I have deleted what I’ve written like four or five times. I have hated everything that I’ve written because it either sounds flippant or like an apology. And I don’t need to apologize for how I feel.


To start. I find the fact that the movie to boycott at the moment uses the word retard over and over again, in a negative way. (Stay with me!) The blatant disregard for the fact that the word offends some people is unacceptable. I can’t stand that we find it completely unacceptable to poke fun of one group of people (which this movie thinks it was doing) but not another. We need to get equal opportunity hater-ade going. The movie repeatedly used the R-word, but removed the N-word, not just from the film, but from the script entirely. Because it didn’t want to offend people? What the hell?!


I was/am a fan of Carlos Mencia. He makes fun of EVERYONE. Which for the most part, is good. Laughing at ourselves is good for the soul and the self esteem. The problem is, we’re making it harder on ourselves to not take things so serious when we get scared of being sued. Of offending one group of people and not another. Don’t tell me one group of people’s feelings are more important than another simply because one group is bigger. I don’t care if you are white, black, purple, a member of Mensa, have downs syndrome, or are only three feet tall. If it’s okay to offend one, it HAS to be okay to offend the others.


The use and “meaning” of the R-word in the film is unacceptable. There is no need to reiterate some “point” and demean so many people. If the film so blatantly and verbally made fun of everyone else (which in my mind they don’t, simply by saying the N word crossed the line) I honestly don’t think I would be so upset.


One of my favorite movies? The Ringer. With freaking Johnny Knoxville. Whom I can’t stand. At first, I was sooo nervous to watch that movie. Because I hate when people make fun of my peeps. But when I watched it, it was good hearted ribbing, and was awesome! It wasn’t a touchy feely feel good movie. It wasn’t a tear jerker (I am Sam makes me bawl. Hysterically.) It was just a good, good hearted movie. I seriously found it a step in the “right” direction.

Black people are in movies with the stereotypes of their race, and they are funny. White people, well, don’t get me started on white people…


Although I believe words have no weight by themselves, not everyone feels this way. Words can hurt. And they do. And if we are going to tiptoe around some words because people get upset, let’s tiptoe around all the “hurtful” words. Equal opportunity hater-ade people.


Now let me tell you how I use the word retarded. The stupidest of the stupid. Not people. Mainly things, or rules, or crap people spew out of their pie holes when they don’t know what they are talking about. I was raised by my single father who probably has some sort of disability. But 55 years ago, he was just slow and didn’t want to learn. My sister was in MiMH classes my whole life. I helped out with Carl Erskine’s softball league for mentally and physically handicapped kids. I attended more Special Olympics that I can remember. Half of my world is “challenged”. And mostly I forget. Because I don’t care. I don’t befriend people who are at or above “my level”. It’s heart and soul and love and all those other cheesy chick flick things that make me befriend people. I do not have a friend that isn’t who they are 100%. I don’t know why I turned out this way.


I do know I want to raise my kids to have this part of me. Because it’s a part of me I love. And that’s what we pass down to our kids.


(Little Bill had a great response to name calling the other day. For all our children. No matter what. The response to name calling is simply “so”, because it’s just not true…unless you’re Little Z and call your sister a girl. Because that is such an insult!)


*For more on this, you can check out Melody, who has three boys that I want to steal. And Tammy, who also has a little boy I want as my own (Her actual post is here). Hubs says I need a son. I told him good luck with that.

~~I can’t leave this at just this. I’ll have another post about it later, because I think it’s important!~~

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Happy Anniversary!

If you ignore the amount of time The Hubs’ family spent hating me (6-8 months depending on the person we’re talking about) I pretty much hit the jackpot in the In-law department. The awesome thing is, Hubs and his family are a lot like mine in the fact that cousins are considered close family. So when I got married, I got more cousins. (I already had 7 I was trying to keep in line!)


For two and a half years, we kept waiting for a phone call from Lindsay telling us that Brian had FINALLY proposed. I had the phone conversation all mapped out. No congratulations. Just an “It’s about damn time!” speech. Because I’m a “fake” relative, I can get away with stuff like that. We went to Indiana for Little Z’s first Christmas. I expected Lindsay to have a ring on her finger before I left the state. But, because Brian sucks, it didn’t happen. It happened the next year, I THINK around Christmas. I have no idea. I had just had a baby (excuse good until child is out of diapers!) and had a bunch of stuff going on.


What I do know, is that last year, their wedding (FINALLY) took place right before The Hubs left for the sandbox. So we got to go. I didn’t wear a dress. (I didn’t wear a bra either, but that’s a story for another time.) I did dress up, and so did the girls. I have some pictures somewhere I should dig up.


So today. August 11, 2008, I want to tell the Internet that I am glad that I get to be related to Lindsay (and Brian, he’s the normal one in the family) and that they are celebrating their first year of marriage. Now that it’s gone, I expect some baby news soon. If I’m not having anymore, we need one a year, for at least a couple more years. Not that I’m demanding, but you know, the world does revolve around ME!


I love you guys! Happy Anniversary!


(Their wedding was GORGEOUS! And I have proof!)




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This has been sitting on my counter for a couple of weeks. At one point, it was full of big, fat, nasty dill pickles. (I’m not a fan, can you tell?) Now, it’s getting lonely because I think it’s been neglected for a while. No one wants that last pickle.


Could it be that someone took a bite and put it back? I’m highly disturbed by this finding. Which is of course why I’m telling the internet about it. Because who else would I tell? Geeze. You guys think I have a life or something? Well…actually…I sorta do. And I left the claustrophobic confines of my apartment and finally fixed this major issue with Z’s hair. We went to the salon in the BX and the wonderful Toni cut Z’s hair. Little Z was GOING to get hers done, but the booger chickened out at the last minute.

Kids are so fickle. Five minutes before this picture, in the car, she was so excited about getting her hair cut for the wedding. (26 days and counting) Once the booster seat was in the chair, and her butt was on the booster seat, she decided if she didn’t speak, she would disappear.

Then there were tears. Because even though Princess said that haircuts don’t hurt, she was convinced that they do. (Let’s pretend the self haircut never happened…)  I love the little fish all over the cape. Too cute. Had they used a regular black one, I would have walked out, because my baby is not old enough for that.

Zeph has now decided her next hair cut will be with Ms Toni. She’s HER hair cut girl. because at 3 you should find a good stylist. I just hate to tell her that with the life we lead, she’s only got about 3 years left with Ms Toni. (Which is fine. Erica has her hair lady back home. I have a stylist in Indiana. And I’m sure so does everyone else. How do normal people plan vacations? Ours sorta revolve around hair appointments.)

 And if she wants Ms Toni next time, well, her hair turned out fine, and I think I’ll let her go back.



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How Do I Love Thee…Let Me Tell the Internet

I found this in my mailbox yesterday before I went to work. A little beat up, sorta “damp” but still awesome.

When I talked to my dad about sending it, I told him that he was to buy the stuff at the store where I worked with The Hubs. It was on sale. He wasn’t sure how many ears he could get into the box, so he took it with him and just filled it up in the produce section. I told him if he went early, he’d only run into people who know me, and since I worked there for five years, they know him too. In high school and for a couple years later, everyone acted like everything I did was normal. Because I don’t care what people think. Dad laughed because he knew this was true. So he agreed to do it.


My dad is not one to do funny things in public. He’s hilarious when it’s just the family. But remember what my dad looks like?


He doesn’t really look like the type of guy to do crazy things right? Well, after a quarter of a century being related to me, he finally is breaking down and doing stuff that I find “normal” that other people don’t normally do.



Even Katrina who works at the service desk at the store where The Hubs, Brat, and myself used to work at. She left me a message. And I’m sure she decided that my father mailing me a box full of fresh corn was completely normal.



I could almost swear I heard angels singing when I saw this. It was also almost enough to make me faint out of joy. If fainting out of joy is possible.



This? Well this was just icing on the cake, and a little bit orgasmic. And then, I remembered how much I hate shucking corn. Because the hairs? The hairs are a complete and utter pain, and take FOREVER to get out of the corn, or your teeth if you miss a few.



So I made the kids do it. Because I’m the best mom ever. And I sure as heck wasn’t going to be the one to stand over the trash can and peel hair and husk off ears of corn, when I had better things to do. You know, like take pictures of the corn, and read blogs.



Twelve minutes, one stick of butter, and a few grinds of salt and pepper later, this is what I had for dinner. So freakin’ good. And I still have ears to eat. And maybe now, you’ll understand why I say Indiana has the best corn in the world. (And it’s the prettiest. Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas all have beyond ugly corn.)

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News At 10 ~ Haircut Bandits Strike Again



This is what happened when I went to the bathroom. My children and scissors. This is what their current mugshots look like. And I really want to strangle them.





It could have been worse. I am still not happy. Big Z has never had a hair cut (obviously). She’s in a wedding in a month. She’s going to have a real haircut soon. And Little Z. She still has the baby mullet. And now, we’re going to have to cut her hair in a way to hide the damage that they did.


And just because I don’t want to leave you with the ugly. Here’s some cute ballerinas.


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The General Public Generally Makes Me Homicidal

I stopped working retail in April of 2004. I was kinda sorta not really fired for being pregnant with Big Z. Another story for another time, and the story will annoy Brat, so I won’t talk about THAT today. I now remember the number one reason I was a stay at home mom for a few years.


People. I cannot stand the public in general. I do not discriminate. I hate everyone equally. Really I do. It’s the only way to really hate people. I worked in the customer service department of a Super Wallyworld type store for 5 years. It was my first job, and I wish I could say it was my last retail job. I need an office job, that does not involve phones or outside people. Today, I wanted to leave a note for my boss that said:

Dear Manager,

I quit. I can no longer deal with people who don’t understand simple instructions and find the rules do not apply to them. If I do not quit now, I will end up fired for swearing back at the idiots, or worse, in jail for murder.

By the way, the printer is out of paper and you never told me where we keep that particular office supply.

~ Sara

PS- I’ll see you at three.


The three hours I was at work today are not what made me decide on this today. It actually was only one guest. One very cranky PMSing guest. (Said guest was of the male persuasion at that) And it wasn’t that he was swearing at me about company policy. It wasn’t that he was swearing at me because he had to wait ten minutes for service. It wasn’t even that he was SWEARING at me. It was that he found a PRIVACY/SAFETY issue something to fight about. And used having a baby with him as an excuse to be lazy. Unacceptable.


When you arrive to pick up your portraits (which, if they are done at our studio are nothing short of fantastic) we ask that you have the receipt with you. Attached to your receipt is a copy of the prints you ordered. We tell you MORE THAN ONCE that you must have this paper, or a picture ID to obtain your prints. If your name is NOT on the order, and you do not have your hard copy, we MUST MUST call the person whose name IS on the order to get their permission to release your stuff.

We don’t do this to be a pain. We don’t do this because we like to make you remember stuff. We don’t this because we think it’s fun to see if you can not lose the paper over the 7-10 business days it takes for your prints to come back. The point of this exercise is for the good of our clients.


Children are a sensitive matter these days. With all the sickos in the world, I would like to think that parents WANT to be cautious when it comes to their child(ren). I would also like to think that other people would take care not to endanger and/or cause “harm” to my child(ren). We photograph more babies and children than I can count. Our main business is in baby pictures. Some times (if my manager does your shoot, ALWAYS) we take pictures of naked babies. Little tiny newborn baby butt is way too precious not to include in a photo shoot. Did you catch that? Naked pictures of your child. Any bells go off? Has it hit you why we don’t release photos to just anyone?


So. With this info, and I’m telling you there is NO exception to this rule, explain to me the following:


We had a million and a half picture pick ups today. It gets hectic. I had two guests come up at the same time without their copy that we say you MUST have with you. Both produced ID, no problem. The problem came when I got to the second order and found out that the pictures were not in the person’s name, but their better half. When I told the guest I would have to call and get permission, it became the BIGGEST issue ever.


Can we stop getting upset over something designed to PROTECT your children? And is it really that hard to go to your CAR and get the paper that would end the discussion? The excuse you have a baby with you? It’s not raining or snowing. If you leave the store it will not disappear while you are doing it. Therefore, let me do my job, and you get out with your pictures.


In a world where crazy crap is happening every second, isn’t it good to know that someone is looking out for your kids? If this keeps up, I’m going to start randomly handing out pictures to people on the street. Just grab a handful of envelopes and start passing them out. Hope you don’t mind if YOUR kids end up on random internet sites. If you don’t care, why should I?



**Total studio promotion now. Our awesome company is having a one day photo event with a safari theme. If you have one of our studios near you, make an appointment for the 22nd. I’ve seen the background and the props. Too cute for words!**

***If you don’t know who I work for, I can tell you privately in an email. I don’t want to post too much info, as I sorta like my job and don’t want dooced.

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If I wasn’t me…

I found gluten free bread, that I was planning on reviewing on my Gluten Free Food page. It was only going to get one whine, because it tastes great. Other than being a pain in the arse because you must store it in the freezer, it is good bread. However, an unassuming sandwich officially gives this bread 10 whines. On a scale that stops at 5. But these ten whines involve tears. Really big tears.


I cut the roof of my mouth on a “harmless” cheese sandwich. And there was blood.



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Where have I been?

I think I disappeared. I don’t know. It’s been a weird weekend.

Thursday, I went to the doctor for a “cold” which turns out is a sinus infection. Yay me. Or something. Then he opted to tell me that I do have celiac disease. So I am doing no gluten for a while, and then we’ll go back to the doctor and see if I need to have a biopsy of my small intestine. Woot. Doesn’t that just sound like a BLAST!? Yeah, that’s what I thought too.


Friday, we took our car for it’s 80k mile checkup. And found out we’ve got a million dollars worth of other stuff to fix too. Yay VW. Have I mentioned I hate that car? I really REALLY hate that car. I think I’m going to get ME a car, that doesn’t run on premium gasoline, and is one that *I* want. The Hubs picked out this one. And now we both hate it. But I WILL NOT get a minivan. I’m not old enough, nor do I have or plan on having enough kids for that.

Friday, I also worked ALL DAY. From 9-7. Except, some idiots opted to spend $40 on pictures and take more time than they were really allotted. I didn’t leave till 7:30. I was exhausted. I wasn’t expecting to have to work Saturday, but I did. For a couple hours. So it wasn’t bad. I got to leave by five after seven.

Now, I’m almost over this infection, but it’s at the point where I feel worse, but better. However that happens to be possible. I have a messy house, a dog that needs a bath, kids who tried to give themselves haircuts, and a loaf of gluten free bread to bake.

I’m going to add a page with a list of my gluten free “favorite” things. I’m finding that it’s not as bad as I thought, but it’s not as good as I wish it was either.

Can I run away? Please?

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I’m gonna go with NO! on that one…

Almost two weeks ago, I had my broken molar and one wisdom tooth extracted. I’m a big baby, so I opted for complete sedation. Which turned out to be okay, because the wisdom was impacted under the bone, and complete sedation was a very wise choice. (I think the doctor said that to make me feel like less of a big baby.) Before they knocked me out, the dentist asked one of the most disturbing questions ever asked of me. (Other than ” is it okay if this guy…”)


He said “So, are you taking these teeth home with you?”

WHAT THE HECK WAS HE SMOKING? And why wasn’t he sharing? Because really? That’s nasty.

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